434.964.8351 - 540.534.9370 - 804.663.8347 hello@wesleyshelley.com

Get in touch with us

We’re more than happy to chat with you about an evaluation, what the process includes, and questions you might have.  To get in touch, there are a few options.  Probably the best is to book a 20-minute phone call directly through the links below.  This typically saves the oftentimes painful game of phone tag.  If you’d prefer to call or fill out a contact form below, that works, too–it just might take a bit longer.  For Wes in Charlottesville, call 434.964.8351.  For Rick in Richmond, call 804.663.8347.  For Anna in Harrisonburg, it’s 540.534.9370.

Our fax number is 434.321.1940.  Note, if you are a doctor’s office, no referral is necessary since we are an out-of-network provider.  So, please have your patient contact us directly.  Thanks so much.

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